Tuesday, September 09, 2008

My Samples Guide to Boulder

There is no mistaking that at one point in my life, I was a huuuge Samples fan. While others were cutting their teeth on Built To Spill, Will Oldham, Modest Mouse, and the nascent seeds of Indie Rock(TM), I was visualizing world peace through appropriation of world beat and Sting, repeat ad nauseam. It was all in the drums!

So here we go:
(note, 14th and Euclid street sign to come)

Tulagi's, site of some recordings for "Underwater People"

The Fox Theatre, home of several of my brothers' live tapes

The approach to Red Rocks (note the big fat rain smudge on the lens. This is the only rain we met the entire trip, coast to coast)

Red Rocks Amphitheater, since appropriated by Dave Matthews Band. The Samples headlined here several times in the early 90's. Not to mention two tracks from Under A Blood Red Sky.

Old Samples poster in the nice museum within the visitors center.

Patrick and one of said red rocks.

Your band flier here.

Jim at Hooked on Colfax, a few doors down from both the Ogden Theater, and the Bluebird Theater, site of the last show by the Samples original lineup. It was great to just play on the same block as the location of several of my previous heroes live tapes. Even if it was in a coffeeshop basement!

There are far worse places to be than Denver in the summer time!

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