Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Album News

The album news is that there is no album news. Apparently Silver Sonya has gotten really popular now that Chad and TJ are going at it more full time, so Nick has had a tough time getting in.

That is good news for me, since this seems to be the year that loads of friends decided to get married. I mean, in non-full-time bandy mode you have the ability to make it to every wedding. Whereas if we were stuck in Omaha on tour, I'd have to call in and pour myself a double to get through the disappointment of not being able to thrill the dancefloor with my slick shoes.

But that is bad news if you are expecting the record to drop soon. Rest assured it is done, but you are more likely to hear the Lemonheads record before ours. No, hell has not frozen over, The Lemonheads (nee Evan Dando Solo) are releasing a record. I am psyched about this. Just as much, Terrence Henry (aka Bobby Trendy) and I are going to curate a Lemonheads museum. You heard it here first.
