Tuesday, July 15, 2008

MFA on the Radio!

Dear Loyal Compatriots!
We've been added to 91.7 WKDU in Philadelphia, PA!
Please call (215) 895-5917 or IM "requestwkdu" to request "Everyone Knows Which Side I'm On" by My Friend Autumn!

We've been added to 89.3 WUMDin North Dartmouth, MA!
Please call (508) 999-8150 and request "One In The Same" by My Friend Autumn!

(you can actually request any song off the album you like, we just have some intel on which songs have already been given some love!)

In other, less campaigny news, I was thinly slicing garlic last night in creating a plum soy reduction thingy with arugala, and man, do my hands have the "power" this morning. You know what I am talking about! Anne did note how much flavor the sauce held, but if she could only be here to experience the tactile repeats. Man, I can't stop smelling my fingers now...

Friday, July 11, 2008


Hey guys,
Go check out WKDU here in Philadelphia, Drexel University's free form station. They have been giving some love to our album! (Everyone Knows) Which Side I'm On has been getting some airplay!

If you feel so inclined, call up and request MFA!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Details Emerge

We're a little behind the ball, but when are we ever in front of it! Seriously, MFA is somewhat like Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark. We just grabbed that shiny false idol, and now we are running out of a cave just about to be justly poison darted by natives.

All of the sudden August 9th is about a month away, woah!

Never fear, we have a line up for our benefit show! The indefatigable Anchorage, The City Veins, The Forest and MFA are confirmed so far, and we are hoping to add one or two more bands/artists. Calls have been made, emails sent, we'll see what emerges. DC Arts Center is very intimate, so be on the lookout for both intimate acoustic performances as well as full out rock. I cannot tell you how excited I am for each artist to be so giving of their time and energy. We hope to put together an atmosphere that is both inspiring and enjoyable for both performers and participants.

More as it emerges, but this is what we have so far!